
A role model of integrity and leadership, the Academy is pleased to bestow its 2021 Honors of the Academy to Erin Miller in recognition of her significant contributions to the field of audiology.

Dr. Miller has maintained an unbroken record of professional service and leadership, working tirelessly in the public eye and behind the scenes. She has served on over 60 committees and councils.

Nationally, she served on the Academy Board of Directors, is a past president of the Academy, and chaired the 2019 AAA Annual Conference. She also served as president of the Ohio Academy of Audiology and as the representative for the Ohio Speech and Hearing Governmental Affairs Coalition for 15 years. Through her work, Dr. Miller brings a consistent and unruffled approach to leadership.

As coordinator of the Northeast Ohio AuD Consortium, Dr. Miller ensures The University of Akron, Kent State University, and Cleveland Clinic act as one entity to benefit their students. She teaches multiple courses, deftly weaving theory and practice from classroom to clinic, and precepts in the clinic.

Dr. Miller also teaches beyond the university, including multiple presentations and publications. She is especially renowned on the complex topic of professional ethics, advancing this issue as a mainstream value shaping our professional identity.