May/June 2024

The May/June 2024, Volume 36, Number 3, Audiology Today issue has been released. Enjoy the most recent issue!

About Audiology Today

Audiology Today (AT) is the American Academy of Audiology’s award-winning magazine of, by, and for audiologists. Each issue of this full-color, bimonthly magazine provides comprehensive reporting on topics relevant to audiology, including clinical activities and hearing research, current events, news items, professional issues, individual-institutional-organizational announcements, and other areas within the scope of practice of audiology.


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PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE | Audiologists Can Differentiate Themselves (Lightspring/

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE | Audiologists Can Differentiate Themselves

Explore the President's Message in this issue of Audiology Today, where our esteemed President shares insights into the latest developments, trends, and initiatives shaping the field of audiology.

Perceived Hearing Difficulty and Pure-Tone Audiometry (Ranta Images/ and S. Chanesman)

Perceived Hearing Difficulty and Pure-Tone Audiometry 

This article provides a summary of the study by de Gruy et al (2023). Applying a simple data-driven analysis, 15 dB HL is established as a reasonable fence for pure-tone audiometry for identifying perceived hearing difficulty. The findings also show limitations in the diagnostic accuracy of pure-tone audiometry in identifying perceived hearing difficulty and support the need for considerations beyond pure-tone audiometry.

The Need for a Standardized Audiological Protocol for Patients with Misophonia

The Need for a Standardized Audiological Protocol for Patients with Misophonia 

Misophonia is defined as a condition in which specific stimuli cause a strong negative emotional, physiological, and behavioral response in an individual. Despite the recent consensus definition for misophonia, there is now a significant need for translational research in audiology aimed at developing diagnostic criteria for patients suffering from misophonia.

No Bones About It (Illustration: Suzanne Chanesman)

No Bones About It

Bone conduction testing has been a part of the audiometric test battery since the 1920s (Jones and Knudsen, 1924). However, in our experience, there remains some variance in how bone conduction testing is performed and documented in clinics, leading to confusion for students and sometimes mistrust among professionals. Over the years, the divergence between textbook instructions and clinical practice has remained.